v2.0.1 – The Lexis Web Edition

February 18th, 2009

It’s been over ten weeks since our last release of Surf Canyon, but the latest version (v2.0.1) was pushed out today. The most notable enhancement is support for Lexis Web, a new freely-available legal search engine where you can search legal-oriented web sites that are determined by LexisNexis to be trustworthy and authoritative.

LexisWeb Screen Shot

Also, for Internet Explorer, the native navigation has been restored to the bottom of the page, which has been the case with Firefox since version 1.1.3.  Lastly, for Firefox, the text at the top of the search page that says “Results 1 to 10 of 20,000,000” is now updated to reflect the actual number of search results on the page.

Tags: Announcements Collaboration